Alas, it's our last week in Scotland. We were hoping to get out and explore the highlands one more time last weekend but the Scottish weather got the best of us. Instead we spent a lot of time indoors playing with Calvin.
Chilling on the sofaCal also had one last check-up with his doctors at Ninewells. He now weighs 14 lb 14 oz (50th percentile) and is 66.2 cm (26 in) which is just over the 91st percentile! He is definitely a tall baby. The doctor said he is doing well but we found out that we have been encouraging an activity that is a no-no: standing. We've been having fun the past few weeks with him standing in our laps (he absolutely loves it and gets this big goofy grin on his face) but apparently that can make it difficult for him to learn how to sit and roll so we need to focus more on tummy time. So sorry Cal, but no more standing for now!
We've also started Cal on solids this last week but so far, most of it has been on his face. He still looks happy though, don't you think?
Cal is not a fan of baby rice (I thought it was pretty gross too)So as of Saturday, we will no longer be residing in land of kilts and haggis. We've had a great time in Scotland and are really happy that Calvin will forever have ties to Dundee. But for now, it's off to jolly old England!
Cal is shocked that Dad doesn't know how to put his trousers on