My second cousin, Rachel, got married over Memorial Day weekend (it's also a bank holiday weekend here) and she was kind enough to invite the three of us. The ceremony and reception were held at an old manor house called
The Danesfield. In a few words, it was gorgeous. Nick and I can honestly say it is the most picturesque wedding we've ever been to. Which was great since Nick ended up chasing Calvin around the manicured gardens most of the afternoon. I was the only one who got to see the ceremony since as soon at the bride had walked down the aisle and the quartet had stopped playing, Calvin yelled out "Emo song" which is his way of saying more music! Apparently our son is a fan of classical music. He even was dancing to it later on during the mingle before dinner.
Calvin was sitting next to me at the start of this photo
The other spectacular event was the groom's present to the bride; a
Spitfire aerobatic demonstration! And it wasn't a short thing. It probably lasted about 10 minutes and was really impressive. Calvin loved it, especially since he remembers going to the Imperial War Museum with Grandad recently.
Calvin running around with the ceremony program
We didn't get to stay much past dinner since we needed to drive back to Cambridge and put the exhausted boy to bed (and the exhausted pregnant lady too). But we had a wonderful time. I just wish I could have worn a hat or fascinator like the other guests! Then I would have truly felt British. All of our pictures are
Dad and Cal skipping the ceremony