Tuesday 20 October 2009


This last weekend we spent one day in Cambridge and the other day exploring the paths of Grantchester.  In Cambridge, we walked around St. John's College, enjoyed some fish & chips, and watched a punter fall into the water.  A pretty exciting day!

Punters navigating the Bridge of Sighs at St. John's College

On Sunday we walked along the River Cam through Grantchester and found this extremely quaint place called The Orchard.  It's a beautiful outdoor area that serves tea all year long (there is also a small indoor area too) and is famous for attracting celebrity patrons.  One patron that made it famous is the poet Rupert Brooke.  As my Aunt Mary pointed out to me, we went from one city that is known for it's bad poet to another place known for it's good poet.  Poor Dundee.

In other news, Calvin is eating his toes and sitting up unaided for a minute or so.  He is also sleeping better now that we've settled in a bit more and adapted more of a routine.  Nick is very busy with work and I'm keeping busy entertaining Calvin. As for where we are living, I promise to post pics of our new place soon.  I'm attempting to clean up all of our stuff before I take pictures and at least give the illusion that we keep a tidy house.

Cal's favorite facial expression of late

UPDATE: Oops, I forgot to link to more pictures that Nick took here.  Enjoy!


Kari said...

Sitting up all on his own! That is great! I love reading about your adventures! And Calvin is very cute!

Robyn said...

stylish as usually... working the pumpkin bib!

Unknown said...

Heyay -- Cal's rockin' that hoodie! :) Just put your dates on the calendar. We'll be in Madison for a good chunk, but probably not leaving until Christmas Day. We'll be here before we know it...