Monday 3 December 2012


Today my life changed. My big boy is now going to kindergarten! And it's a bilingual one which makes it easy for me to actually communicate with the teachers. Calvin was so excited leading up to the big day but I was nervous about how it would actually go down. Turns out, I had no need to fear...Cal had no trouble saying "Bye Mommy!" and off he went. At the moment, we're only going half days so when I picked him up after lunch, he was excited to see me but not in a get-me-out-of-here kind of way. The teachers also said he did well. I think he will love kindergarten even more when St. Nicholas comes for a visit on Thursday.

So what did I do with my 4 hours off? Isaac and I got some groceries, did the laundry, washed the dishes, and took a nap (well, Isaac did...I read a book)! I've never felt so productive! It wasn't the best day for walking to and from the kindergarten but we managed alright in the snow.

An excited boy

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