Random events! I went to Lisbon for two days. Here's the only picture I took.

Exciting! Lisbon was very hot and the people are mostly fashionable and beautiful. I was given a small backpack at the conference I was at, and we gave it to Calvin:

finally, he's contributing to the load bearing responsibilities of the household. Then he chased the neighbor's cat around in his new Wellies:

Today Cal and I went on a long walk to let Sam relax for a few hours. Adventure!

Calvin pointed at trees:

slapped trees:

was dwarfed by trees:

ran all over the place:

and patiently ate a gingerbread man while I harassed snails on trees:

we've got some more interesting travel coming up: back to Scotland for a few days and then off to Tenerife for some sunshine. After that the clocks will change and we'll be in full-blown "My God, it's drizzly and dark" mode for a few months. So look forward to that.
Nick - I'm still in the market for a camera (process recently spend up after I dropped my point+shoot in the Mississippi River). And I'm still in awe of your shots, especially the one of Cal running. Did you extend the shutter speed or run while you we're taking the shot? It's gorgeous!
you're a bit too nice, Nichole, but thanks.
bummer about dropping your camera, but camera shopping is a pretty good way to procrastinate, especially one you start reading the 20 page reviews I'm about to link to.
this is the updated version of what we have:
I think it's nice because it's about as compact as you can get so you don't look like a super nerd walking around with a truly huge camera, but it's still fairly full featured, enough for someone who's just having fun instead of being professional.
If I were buying something now though I think I'd at least look at this
it's seems like it's enough camera for anything I'd want to do, but even more portable.
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