Because of Calvin's early arrival, I went to see a doctor about my high-risk situation (instead of just seeing my midwife, like you normally do here). It turns out that because they don't know why I went into preterm labor, there is nothing for them to monitor closely on me for the next ~20 weeks. Also, my chances of having another preterm birth are only 10%. So because of these reasons, I'm being treated as a normal pregnancy. I'm happy about this and I have the doctor's phone number (and the delivery ward's phone number) should I have any questions. I now know what contractions feel like (vs Braxton-Hicks, for all those who know the pregnancy lingo) so I'm comfortable with being on alert for my own body.
Now I just have to learn how I'm going to live in a house full of dudes.
Being the Queen Bee has its advantages. How's this for a working name: Prince.
Congrats Sam, Nick, and Calvin! Sam, you and Sarah will have to swap survival stories. Best wishes from Portland!
Dude! You'll do just fine. We're really happy for all of you. It's gonna be great!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you.
Congratulations to all three of you! Sam, how have you been feeling? We'll be thinking of you during these next 20 weeks!
I think your household full of boys will be a blast! (Ryan's mom has two sons, and she survived and is pretty great!).
Thanks for sharing the good news!
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