Wednesday 16 December 2009

grantchester home tour!

It's that moment you've all been waiting for...the house tour!  It's taken me three months to take pics of the rooms and they are still not that great.  I need to get one of those 360 degree cameras.

As a reminder, here is the outside:

We are the middle house with the door in the center of the picture

When you come through the front door, you enter the sitting room, where Cal spends a lot of time rolling around on the floor:

Cal is actually rolling on the floor here

View of the front door and window

You then go through another door and you enter the dining room:

Yes, it's always a mess

Through the next door is the galley kitchen:

Can't have too many cooks in the kitchen here

Then finally the bathroom:

From the dining room there is the staircase leading to the second level:

The first room on the right is Cal's room (aka the guest room when we have visitors):

Single bed on the left but there is another one underneath it

And finally the room facing the front of the house is our bedroom:

No closet so our clothes are on display (and no, the fireplace is not usable)

Scrummy toes! (that means delicious over here)

We don't have a back garden or any storage but here is where we supposedly can sip our morning coffee in the summer (and where I can hang the washing when it stops raining):

View from the dining room window (galley kitchen on the right) and

Cal's 'rugged' stroller for the cow poop covered paths (it lives outside for a reason)

So that's where we spend most of our time (a LOT of our time for Calvin and me).  Pretty exciting, don't you think?


Hanna said...

Bummer about the fireplace!

Robyn said...

thank you for the tour! It's good to know where my room is when we come to visit.