Saturday 12 December 2009

lazy days

We haven't done a whole lot of exploring lately.  Weekends come around and we try and catch up on sleep or run errands.  Super exciting.  We're getting ready to head back to Minnesota for the holidays (Sam's birthday is the big one), then when we get back we can start to dream of spring and a little more daylight to do things in.  The latitude problem is better here than it was in Scotland, but it's still kind of grim.  Here are a few shots of what little we've up to though.

Crawling practice.  We put toys well out of reach and taunt him.  He can hoist himself up pretty high (like the cobra position for the yoga nerds) but so far he just scoots backwards a few inches and rolls over.  

Hanging out in dimly lit pubs.  Pints for us, quarter-pint for him.

Bath time!  He has a chewable turtle and some dolphins to play with, which is good.  The non-slip butt pad in the tub seems to be more of a marketing gimmick than anything functional, but that's ok. 

flashback image:

He's happier in the bath now than he was at 11 weeks, and about three times as massive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he looks like sid vicious in that bathtub shot.

Sean M