Sunday 24 January 2010

genuine human food

We're still taking it pretty easy around here, boring I know, but starting in a few weeks we over a month of family visiting.  Excitement levels should jump pretty soon.  In the meantime we've been laughing at along with Cal as he tries to figure out how to crawl and how to eat like a real person.
Sam distracting him from how tired he is to try and make him sleep longer into the morning.

Growing frustrated by not moving anywhere, but developing some mighty triceps.

Risotto*: not popular**.

Calvin-sized pancakes....

...much more appreciated.

Calvin-sized pizza was still a bit much, even though we microwaved it to make the crust all gross and soggy.  When I googled 'baby pizza' all I got was a book called 'Babies Don't Eat Pizza' and an article about some Australians who fed their babies pulverized pizza and pork cracklings and almost killed them.  But we boldly pressed on.

*British pronunciation of Italian words is a pet peeve of mine.

** if you had to guess what this lady did for a living

would you guess Author of Baby Cookbooks?  All the pictures in the book are her showing cleavage (like buttons popping open) feeding a (clean) baby.  It's kind of hilarious.  Anyway, the unpopular risotto was her recipe.

1 comment:

Nico said...

The risotto shot is pretty great.