Monday 28 June 2010

hot tamale

We're in the midst of a heat wave in England and it's been feeling like we're on holiday.  Cal is spending a lot of time shirtless and pantsless due to the increased temperature, which makes it easier for him to walk around.  Speaking of which, he really is cruising around now.  He still puts his arms in the air (godzilla style, as a friend pointed out) but you can see the improvement every day.  Have I mentioned that I'm tired?

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.  We are moving house in the next week (again!) so we'll get some pictures of the new place.  Then we'll be heading back to MN for an extended visit!  Bring on the grandparents!

 That's a cherry in his mouth (just in case you thought he'd lost some teeth)


Nichole said...

These are so great! He's certainly living up to his namesake... even I can't rival some of those faces (and there's a reason my mom calls me Calvinette).

Good luck with your move! Where's the new place?

Nico said...

Look forward to seeing you all back in MN soon!

Rachel said...

He's so adorable Sam! D has been running around like a crazy person for months now, we'll never have rest again.

Good luck with the move and have a wonderful trip home!