Tuesday 6 July 2010

new place

Just a quick post to say that we've moved. Still got a lot of unpacking to do, but we like the new place so far. Among it's advantages, in increasing order of excellence: walking distance to a convenience store; gas burners; no shared wall with a pub. We have no internet for another week though, so if Sam has been ignoring your emails it's not out of spite. Although she's pretty angry at some of you.
The view from our living room. The trees across the field are the edge of the Cam.

The vegetable part of our garden.

My new commute is really nice- along the river for a while...

...until this bridge over the locks by Jesus Green...

then through part of town and over to the Institute.

Unrelated shot of Calvin encountering corn on the cob for the first time.


Tripp said...

The view looks lovely. I hope you all enjoy your new home.

Nico said...

How is English corn?