We're sort if in a dead zone of tourism at the moment. A lot of castles and other attractions are closed until March, the highlands are full of snow and rain, and Sam's probably not up for a whole lot of hiking at this point anyway. Life around the house is exciting and fresh though- when I cook, I usually don my Scottish apron, strike a confident pose, and grab the whisky and a packet of crisps for nourishment.

If we were conversing, you'd probably say 'Hey, what kind of crisps are those?'
I'm glad you asked!

I saw these at the store yesterday and was stunned. It's a pretty ambitious idea, and it was impossible to resist purchasing some to see if they could pull if off. The answer: no. Sam said they smelled like someone had sprinkled fish food on regular crisps, and she has a heightened sense of smell right now so let's go with that description instead of 'dead sailor', which is what I first thought. The taste is extremely salty with a blast of vinegar up front, and then the fish flavor hits you. This is part of a contest to see what flavor (flavour) will make it into the lineup. I feel bad for whoever got put in charge of the fake fish flavoring division at Walkers. Fake fish flavoring is probably never a great direction to find your career heading, and I guess they did the best they could, but based on our initial testing I don't think there are going to be any promotions handed out based on this product.
Throughout this all, Sam continues to grow a human (free of synthetic fish additives), and still looking pretty good:
Anything with synthetic fish flavoring gets two thumbs up in my book. Can you really ever get enough?
Sam - You're looking great!!
Finally! This is the sort of hard hitting investigative journalism I've been looking for from you guys. I want some behind the scenes look at what it's really like there!
I was at Winter Park yesterday and sat next to a Scottish couple. I was going to ask them if they knew you, but sadly, it was really hard to understand any of what they were saying...
Sam, you're looking great! And don't forget, May 1! Then me and your kid can have a joint birthday party. I am always down for cake and balloons!
Congratulations again on the healthy boy and Nick's acceptance to Cambridge!
nice post. brought a smile to my face not unlike the one that comes when I watch 30 rock or (the last week of) Conan O'Brien.
Just heard the news about little Calvin.
All 3 of you are in my prayers! I'm sure everything will turn out for the best.
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