So, our long term plan has changed a little bit. We were all set to move to Cardiff in the fall, and after our visit there we were pretty excited- nice city, close to family, and the project I would have been working on sounded pretty good. Then everything got confusing when I got an offer we couldn't refuse, in a non-threatening way.
New plan: head to Cambridge for three years starting in October. Plenty of time for people to come visit us and prance around under a descendant of the tree that assaulted Newton.

Unrelated: I walk by these statues of penguins every day on the way to the bus. I think they're walking toward the Discovery hoping to get back home. I like that Dundee will take one of their oldest buildings (the church in the background), build a shopping mall around three sides of it, and decorate it with a whimsical statue of penguins.

This billboard I don't walk by every day, but I love it. Dundee College's advertising team are either geniuses or wildly out of touch. You could draw several accurate conclusions about Dundee from this sign, including their penchant for silly fonts. This is the sign that greets you when you enter the city:

I think they take themselves more seriously in Cambridge, so that might be an adjustment.
1 comment:
Cambridge huh? I lived in Cambridge for a while, but the other one... So that is completely unhelpful to you in every way. Unless of course you forget how to spell it, then I'm your man.
That's great though! Sounds like a good opportunity, and honestly, Wales will always be there. If it's survived this long, it won't fall into the ocean anytime soon.
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