We're feeling the lingering effects of not sleeping much last week. Wow, I'm tired right now, and Sam is asleep. Calvin might be tired, but you wouldn't know it from the way he continues to pee all over as soon as the opportunity presents itself. He was on and off the CPAP today in 3 to 6 hour blocks, and we saw him for quite a while this afternoon free of all that stuff. Got him out for a cuddle, fed him a few times, changed him... all in all a pretty good day. He's been gaining back some of the weight he lost right away and is just 10 grams short of his birth weight now. His cheeks are starting to fill out a bit, and he makes little smacking motions with his lips when you hold him sometimes. Cute.

The last picture looks like he is just cathcing a few rays in the sunshine. Love it.
He's looking so good. You guys get some rest too! Love the smacking that he's doing! Changing already, always a good sign.
Sam & Nick - we're so happy Calvin continues to improve. The peeing thing is hysterical, let's hope for your sake that habit stays in the NICU! We're continuing to think and pray for you three, xoxo Lisa & Adam
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