Within about five seconds of me telling my parents that they were grandparents, my dad pointed out that Calvin's birthday, 3/3/09, is a square root day. I was reminded of this in an email from an engineering friend today. Also, I had somehow failed to notice until today that hanging in the lobby of the NICU is a certificate noting that a star in Scorpius has been named 'Neonatal Unit Ninewells'. This is fantastically nerdy.
Calvin is breathing on his own now. His respiration is kind of rapid, and he continues to have one or two of those moments where his heart rate plummets each day ('wee drops', the nurse called them), but he still seems to be heading in the right direction. Other happenings today: we changed him on our own and he peed all over the place, Sam learned to feed him with the feeding tube, and he came out for a little bonding. I got to hold him for the first time- we bonded so well he kind of stuck to me a little bit.

I don't usually wander the wards with my shirt undone, that was to keep him warm. Also, Sam is coming home tomorrow! Baby steps toward normalcy...
I think that baby was born into the right nerdy family. And it sounds like he is making excellent progress! So good to hear. Hugs to all 3 of you!
I really thought you were trying to breast feed for a second... I don't know how they do it over there.
I am glad that everything seems to be going so well. When are you getting Calvin his first bike?
Great news, you guys. Sounds like things are looking up.
As for nerdy birth dates, we were really shooting for 08/08/08, but it was not to be. Oh well.
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