Over the last day or so Calvin has started to rebel against the CPAP. Two nights ago he was fussing so much they took it off after two hours, and last night he was on for four hours. When we left today to get some dinner he had been off for 15 hours or so, and seemed to be doing fine. The plan is to give him a few hours of support if he starts to tire out, but it's looking like a nice step in the right direction for now. Here he is breathing the fresh (compared to his incubator) air of freedom for a while:

He's also been squirming around a lot, maneuvering himself a body length or so around the incubator, usually toward one of the portals. An escape attempt, thwarted by poor motor skills and lack of strength? Who knows. As an example, this is not the position we left him in:

And an only-tangentially-related-to-Calvin item. You would be forgiven if you looked at this picture and thought that I was standing in one of the great museums of the world:

No- it's one of the hallways at Ninewells. Ninewells supports local art, and this is my favorite piece. The whale is (obviously) the
Famous Tay Whale, harpooned off the Dundee shore in the winter of 1883. The old man is more of a mystery, as is the forlorn woman (his daughter?) in birkenstocks. What does it all mean? What does the dog symbolize? A painting like this grabs your attention every time you walk by it.
Oh yeah, the eyes- he doesn't have ROP, so nothing to report there. Yay!
I like the beard, Nick. Are you on a shaving strike until Calvin comes home, or is this the new you?
You guessed it in one, Heather.
He is such a little cutie, I love the pics in this post! He already looks so big! So glad to hear that things are going well.
Hi Nick, Hi Sam! I'm so happy to see that Calvin is getting stronger and cuter every day! I'm always checking in to see what your family has been doing. Big Hugs from Colorado!
ah, I envy your intimacy with authentic european art
Nice Public Art! Nice Baby! Nice Beard!
Is it a giant man, or a tiny whale? Why is the man sitting on the whale? Who is is fist-bumping? Just a few of my many questions.
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