Hey everybody, raise your hand if you got downgraded (upgraded?) to special care from intensive care, moved from your incubator into a cot, have a tube in your nose instead of your mouth now, and basically mastered how to layer for warmth and fashion.

Oh, just me? Ok. Party over at my place.
Yey Calvin!! Moving up in the world!! And you are looking so fashionable in your hand knits!
Yay, so exciting! Congrats! He looks so good in his cot :).
Dear Calvin,
Speaking from experience you have to lose the nose thing. However it is fantastic to see your handsome little self out of the incubator. And your fashion sense is astounding. Love Pat
Woot woot! Loving the new digs, little man.
Way to go, Calvin!!!! Keep up the good work and we'll keep pulling for you from here. You're looking good and very dashing in your outfit! Love, Barb
He's so freaking cute!
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