Tuesday 12 May 2009

Calvin's big day- the Consulate!

Today was Calvin's big day- a trip to the Consulate in Edinburgh to apply for a passport and register his birth. The highlight was probably holding him up against a tape measure that was glued to the wall to estimate his height (17 inches. That's going in the passport I guess.) Hopefully soon Calvin will be a man with a country. This was his biggest excursion, 5 hours and a whopping 70 miles. He did fine with it, but since we got home he's been screaming and screaming. Here are some pictures of today and some more peaceful times in the past few days.

A walk through the neighborhood:

Bath time; he's still not totally convinced that baths are fun:
A gorgeous day in Edinburgh, after Calvin tried to become a US citizen.Dinner!


pat said...

Dear Calvin,
Good job messing with your folks. But that's enough now - let them sleep. It will keep them guessing.

Unknown said...

HEY! -- what a lovely bottle of hot sauce you have on your dinner table. :) Your man is lookin good, friends. Hope you get more and more quiet out of him in the coming days...

Jane said...

HI Samantha,
I love the pictures. Calvin looks great! Hang in there. Love Jane

Jane said...

HI Sam, Nick and Calvin,
I have just shown Jane all the current pictures and I am sending you a note as well. Lots of Love