Sunday 24 May 2009

wormit walk

Calvin has reached a level of robustness that lets us take him out on some excursions now. He went to St Andrews for the first time yesterday, where he was showed-off at the knitting shop. (If you're ever in St Andrews and need what I'm told is amazing wool, go here.) Today was pretty nice, so we went across the Tay to the town of Wormit, which lies on the other side of the rail bridge. Thanks to Scotland's amazingly liberal attitude toward public access, there's a foot/bike/whatever you want path along the edge of a bunch of farms starting from there that has nice views of Dundee and the Tay, so we took him for a mini-walk.
Heading out from Wormit. The sky was once again Scottish.We walked for ten minutes to this spot, had some well-earned(?) chocolate and gossiped for a while, then headed back.Calvin fails to appreciate the view of Dundee (the Shining Jewel of the Silvery Tay).
The yellow shrub (gorse) is really spiky and is probably why I got a flat tire (tyre) last weekend.Heading back to Wormit after his first off-road mosey. The seed of adventure has been planted.

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