Tuesday 2 September 2008

Our First Week in Scotland

This is the beginning of my blogging career. I'm not sure how often I will post but I will do my best to let all of our friends and family know what our life is like in Scotland (and hopefully other areas of the UK). This will also give me a chance to work on my story-telling abilities.

So we've completed Week 1 in Scotland and it was a great first week. Nick's parents, Rick and Rose, were "visiting" us since we arrived in Edinburgh a whole one hour before they did. If you ever want to hear Nick and me describe our mood during the three weeks waiting for our work permit in Minnesota, we'll be more than happen to expound on it.

Since I don't have many stories yet, I'll just point you to our picture album of the things we've done with Rick and Rose. But in case you're wondering where I'm writing from, here is the front door of our flat.

Tinkerty Tonk!

PS - "Tinkerty Tonk" is a way to say "So long!" made famous by P.G. Wodehouse's character Bertie Wooster. It's not very Scottish but we don't care.


Joe said...

Yes! I love blogs! Keep the pictures coming! Glad you're both doing well.

Joe said...

umphrey1012 = Joe

I changed my display name.

Rose said...

Hi Sam and Nick,
This is my first attempt at blogging and I'm looking forward to further installments and pictures.
