Thursday 26 March 2009

The Cardiologist's Assessment

Nick and I patiently waited most of the day for the visiting cardiologist to stop by and take a look at Calvin and he finally made it near the end of the day. He did an echocardiogram (or ECHO) of Cal's heart and found that Calvin does have an open duct. However, he said that it is not a big opening and that this is what he would expect to see in a preterm baby. Cal's doctors told us that this indicates we should give him time to work on his breathing and hopefully the duct will close on it's own in the next 2 weeks. If he is still having trouble in a couple of weeks, then we may be hearing from the doctors about the other options (medicine or surgery). We'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, Calvin has put on more weight (3 lb 12 oz total!) and he is making a name for himself in the nappy changing for the nurses. As one nurse put it the other day, "he pooed for Britain." Wait to go Cal.

I'll leave you with an adorable pose Cal struck while I held him today.


Heather said...

He's reached a lucky number weight-wise! :) Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Oh my sweet, sweet goodness. From now on, everything Calvin does shall be 'for Britain'. What a triumphant, cute little man! I can definitely tell he's getting chubbier! xo, N.

Unknown said...

Sounds like all three of you are getting stronger! Sending you vibes of growing strength, courage, and hope!
Nada, Tony, and Dante

Maggie Moris said...

Yeah, Calvin! Grow, grow, grow! Spring is around the corner. The sun will tease forth the grass and buds and flowers and warm your faces, all three. What a hopeful, verdant season for little Calvin to grow bigger and stronger. Hugs to you from Maggie and Kent. Give our greetings to Rick and Rose, as well.

Lisa said...

Still thinking of the three of you and hoping that duct closes up on it's own. Take Care, Lisa & Adam H.