Tuesday 17 March 2009

A glimpse of a routine

I tried out my 'go see Calvin, then go to work' schedule today for the first time. My plan is to do this three days a week, and work from home the other two. They kick us out of the NICU from 9 to 11 so that the doctors can freely talk about the babies, so if I can get to the hospital at 8 or so then I can do his morning cleaning, feed him and then get on the bus to work by 9. Then Sam can head in after 11 and spend the early afternoon with him. Sounds good in theory, anyway.

He's continuing to gain weight, cycle on and off the CPAP, and devise new ways to make changing him an adventure. Here's a picture of Grandma Rose holding him for a few minutes. This prompted the nurse to say that 'Granny was over the moon'. Kind of funny, the word 'granny' applied to Rose.


Maggie Moris said...

Dear Nick and Sam,
Hi, it's Rick and Rose's friend Maggie writing in for the first time. Thank you for making time to post updates on the blog, especially since you are exhausted and have so much on your "to do" list already. You are amazing parents already, and Calvin is so lucky to be part of your strong family. Last but not least, thank you for posting photos, it helps us all feel like we are right there with you. And Calvin looks great in his new hat. Ha ha. Hugs, Maggie.

Barb said...

Rose looks so contented holding and looking at Calvin!! I'm sure even minutes holding that little bundle are wonderful. Good luck with the schedule!! I'm sure it will go fine.
Dave says hi to all, esp. grandpa Rick. We tried sending a message yesterday but it didn't work again!!Better luck today and thanks again for being so good at keeping this up!

pat said...

Hmmm Granny, nanny fo fanny - oops that's not nice....
Calvin is looking healthy and wonderful. And things are becoming abnormally normal. Such is life. Enjoy that little one - he is stupendous!

Dimitri said...

Good to hear that all three of you are developing a routine. For lack of being able to do much else from here, I was just about to ask you if there is a simulation I could run or equation I could solve for you while you attended to more important matters...

Libby said...

who would have thought when we were in our teens that someday we'd both be grandparents. Rosie you look like a natural. All our best to Nick, Sam and Calvin, we'll continue to check in and watch the growth. Guess I'll miss you on my next visit to MSP. Positive thoughts coming across the sea.